Bridgewater-Emery Student Council Attends Region Meeting
By Sydney Hoffman on October 19, 2017
Student council is an extracurricular activity available to students in high school and sometimes junior high. This council serves to engage students in learning about democracy and leadership. They help share students’ ideas, interests and concerns with teachers and school principals. Student councils may choose to participate in various activities such as food drives, fundraisers and other forms of community service.
Bridgewater-Emery’s student council actively plans homecoming week and other spirit events throughout the year. They also plan, execute and run the annual school blood drive. For fundraising, the student council includes the money from the vending machine.
Soon after a busy homecoming week, B-E’s student council carried their energy right to the Davison County Fairgrounds where this year’s James River Region Student Council meeting was held Oct. 11. This is a fantastic way for various student councils to interact and share their ideas. The James River Region consists of 32 schools, but only a select few of those schools were in attendance including the following: Bridgewater-Emery, Canistota, Ethan, Howard, Huron, Kimball, McCook Central, Mitchell and Plankinton.
This meeting consisted of the region board members putting the meeting attendees into groups. Those groups would rotate to each presentation prepared by the region board members. Presentation topics this year included the following: fundraising ideas, community service ideas, addressing region and state student council changes, tips for younger members, dating tips, homecoming/spirit ideas and parliamentary procedure rules.
“This was my first student council trip, and I thought it was fun! The workshops were interesting and so were the games we got to play when the presentations were over,” freshman Mason Plagmann said.
Along with the region board presentations, a representative from MTI also performed a workshop promoting their school’s programs.
“The workshops were very educational as they originated many innovative ideas for each student council to take back with them,” Student Council President Dustin Weber said.
After the presentation rotations were completed, all the students congregated together to discuss changes on the region and state boards. The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were also read at that time. After new business was discussed, the meeting was adjourned, and the schools dispersed for lunch.
“The region meeting was a really good learning experience for me and for the new members in attendance. I look forward to it each year and I am sad that this was my last one,” senior Cassie Kerkhove said.
Bridgewater-Emery’s Student Council plans to organize their annual blood drive to take place Wednesday, Nov. 15.
Bridgewater-Emery’s student council actively plans homecoming week and other spirit events throughout the year. They also plan, execute and run the annual school blood drive. For fundraising, the student council includes the money from the vending machine.
Soon after a busy homecoming week, B-E’s student council carried their energy right to the Davison County Fairgrounds where this year’s James River Region Student Council meeting was held Oct. 11. This is a fantastic way for various student councils to interact and share their ideas. The James River Region consists of 32 schools, but only a select few of those schools were in attendance including the following: Bridgewater-Emery, Canistota, Ethan, Howard, Huron, Kimball, McCook Central, Mitchell and Plankinton.
This meeting consisted of the region board members putting the meeting attendees into groups. Those groups would rotate to each presentation prepared by the region board members. Presentation topics this year included the following: fundraising ideas, community service ideas, addressing region and state student council changes, tips for younger members, dating tips, homecoming/spirit ideas and parliamentary procedure rules.
“This was my first student council trip, and I thought it was fun! The workshops were interesting and so were the games we got to play when the presentations were over,” freshman Mason Plagmann said.
Along with the region board presentations, a representative from MTI also performed a workshop promoting their school’s programs.
“The workshops were very educational as they originated many innovative ideas for each student council to take back with them,” Student Council President Dustin Weber said.
After the presentation rotations were completed, all the students congregated together to discuss changes on the region and state boards. The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were also read at that time. After new business was discussed, the meeting was adjourned, and the schools dispersed for lunch.
“The region meeting was a really good learning experience for me and for the new members in attendance. I look forward to it each year and I am sad that this was my last one,” senior Cassie Kerkhove said.
Bridgewater-Emery’s Student Council plans to organize their annual blood drive to take place Wednesday, Nov. 15.