Bridgewater-Emery After Prom Party Donations Appreciated
April 1, 2019
Bridgewater-Emery After-Prom Party parent volunteers have been very busy running various fundraisers to prepare for another After Prom activity on April 26, 2019. They will be chaperoning the students as they enjoy a hypnotist and a parent-led casino night in the Emery site multipurpose room. Each year the committee looks forward to the many donations of money and prize items that are graciously given. The committee then spends its donated money on entertainment, food, and awesome prizes for the upperclassmen. Please help support this event and keep the young adults safe after their prom. The committee is counting on generous businesses to help them with this. This donation can be monetary, a gift certificate, and/or a product from your business. Monetary donations can be sent to the Bridgewater-Emery School. Remember your donations are tax deductible. Thank you in advance for your consideration, generosity, and support of the After-Prom Activity.