Be the One to Save a Life
By Kerrigan Schultz on November 26, 2018
Bridgewater-Emery Student Council will be sponsoring a blood drive Friday, Nov. 30 at the Emery site. The blood drive will be held in the multipurpose room from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
LifeServe is out of Sioux City, Iowa. They will be providing a mobile lab for the blood drive.
The student council is hoping for a goal of recruiting 50 people with the hope that 32 people will be able to donate whole blood. They are also looking for three individuals who are able to give doubles.
To donate blood the donor must be at least 16 years old, weigh at least 120 pounds, have normal blood pressure and are not sick. Any individuals under the age of 18 must have a signed parental permission form. Donors also need to make sure they bring a form of identification.
“The B-E student council has been hosting this blood drive for the past seven years,” student council advisor Christena Schultz said. “This is a great opportunity for students to become first-time blood donors and understand the need for blood to help others.”
If you are willing to donate doubles you must meet the requirements. Double red cell donors requirements for males are 16 years old, must weigh at least 130 pounds, and at least 5’1’ tall. Double red cell female donors must be at least 23 years old, weigh at least 150 pounds and must be at least 5’5’ tall.
“I think this is a good opportunity for people to see the difference they could be able to make in someone’s life by just donating some blood,” student council president Sawyer Schultz said. “I encourage all students who are old enough to donate blood.”
If you are interested in donating blood to help save a life please contact Christena Schultz at the Emery site by either calling 605-449-4271 or emailing at [email protected].
LifeServe is out of Sioux City, Iowa. They will be providing a mobile lab for the blood drive.
The student council is hoping for a goal of recruiting 50 people with the hope that 32 people will be able to donate whole blood. They are also looking for three individuals who are able to give doubles.
To donate blood the donor must be at least 16 years old, weigh at least 120 pounds, have normal blood pressure and are not sick. Any individuals under the age of 18 must have a signed parental permission form. Donors also need to make sure they bring a form of identification.
“The B-E student council has been hosting this blood drive for the past seven years,” student council advisor Christena Schultz said. “This is a great opportunity for students to become first-time blood donors and understand the need for blood to help others.”
If you are willing to donate doubles you must meet the requirements. Double red cell donors requirements for males are 16 years old, must weigh at least 130 pounds, and at least 5’1’ tall. Double red cell female donors must be at least 23 years old, weigh at least 150 pounds and must be at least 5’5’ tall.
“I think this is a good opportunity for people to see the difference they could be able to make in someone’s life by just donating some blood,” student council president Sawyer Schultz said. “I encourage all students who are old enough to donate blood.”
If you are interested in donating blood to help save a life please contact Christena Schultz at the Emery site by either calling 605-449-4271 or emailing at [email protected].