B-E Students Compete at South Dakota State FFA Convention
By Sydney Hoffman on April 26, 2018
Bridgewater-Emery FFA spent April 15-17 at SDSU in Brookings for the annual South Dakota State FFA Convention. B-E had students compete in Career Development Events (CDEs), place in proficiency awards and receive their state degrees on stage throughout the event.
Sunday and Monday of the competition were spent competing in the students’ respective CDEs. Bridgewater-Emery FFA had participated in the contest areas of Agricultural Mechanics, Agronomy, Biotechnology, Dairy Cattle Evaluation, Farm Business Management, Floriculture, Food Science and Technology, Livestock Evaluation, Meats Evaluation, Milk Quality and Products, Natural Resources, Nursery/Landscape and Veterinary Science. To prepare for state convention, students attended practice CDEs at Platte, Flandreau, Tri-Valley and Lennox.
At state convention, the final teams were as follows: Derek Weber and Colby Weber on Agricultural Mechanics; Lindsey Berg, Lucas Berg, Bradlee Schultz and Dustin Weber on Agronomy; Taylor Clark, Sarah Schultz and Jasmine Tschetter on Biotechnology; Jessica Jaeger, Rebecka Hoffman and Isabelle Lehrman on Dairy Cattle Evaluation; Kori Heezen, Brandon Jansen, Brooks Jansen and Lindsey Weeldreyer on Farm Business Management; Haley Hofer, Katelyn Kotas, Sarah Schultz and Eunice Vinales on Floriculture; Marah Hofer, Sara Hofer, Sydney Hoffman and Andrea Gorriz on Food Science and Technology; Jayke Glanzer, Morgan Terveen, Jasmine Tschetter and Johanna Tusha on Livestock Evaluation; Brock Hofer, Rylee Schultz and Hunter Uptagrafft on Meats Evaluation; Libby Bailey, Kristin Kotas, Mercedes Mesman and Joslyn Schrank on Milk Quality and Products; Jevin Eddy, Kinzer Glanzer, Vanessa Hofer and Duot VanSickle on Natural Resources; Ashley Horvath, Darby Hurd, McKayla Kirby and Jada Wethor on Nursey/Landscape and Jessica Jaeger, Madison Mentele, Isabelle DioGioVanni and Nick Schallenkamp on Veterinary Science. Some FFA members decided to take on two contests in an effort to make a full team for a particular event.
During the Sunday night session, proficiency awards were announced. Lindsey Berg received first place in the category Agriculture Education Placement, Jessica Jaeger received first place in the category Dairy Cattle Placement and Kristin Kotas received second place in the category Agriculture Sale Entrepreneurship. These awards are based on the individual’s hard work in their Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAEs).
“For the past four years, I have been teaching the third-grade class about agriculture. It is something that I really enjoy doing, and it is something that I have worked hard to build up. Because of that reason, freshman Marah Hofer is planning to continue my SAE in the coming years. To end my SAE for the year, I am taking the kids on a field trip to Agricultural Experience Stock Yards in Sioux Falls,” senior Lindsey Berg said.
In the second session Monday night, state degrees were awarded to seniors that have been in FFA for at least three years and have completed a certain number of hours in their SAE. State degrees recipients from this year were awarded to Lindsey Berg, Lucas Berg, Haley Hofer, Rebecka Hoffman, Jessica Jaeger, Cassie Kerkhove, Bradlee Schultz, Eunice Vinales and Dustin Weber. Scholarships were also awarded during this second session. Sydney Hoffman walked on stage to receive her 500-dollar scholarship toward registration of the Washington Leadership Conference this summer.
Tuesday morning of the state convention, CDE awards were announced. Agricultural Mechanics placed 43rd as a team, Agronomy placed 7th as a team, Biotechnology placed 5th place as a team, Dairy Cattle Evaluation placed 7th as a team, Farm Business Management placed 9th as a team, Floriculture placed 20th as a team, Food Science and Technology placed 6th as a team, Livestock Evaluation placed 44th as a team, Meat Science and Technology placed 21st as a team, Milk Quality and Products placed 1st as a team, Natural Resources placed 27th as a team, Nursey/Landscape placed 13th as a team and Veterinary Science placed 42nd as a team. In result of their first place win, B-E Milk Quality and Products team will advance to the National FFA Convention next October.
Top individuals in each CDE include Lindsey Berg (11th) in Agronomy, Taylor Clark (9th place) in Biotechnology, Jessica Jaeger (18th) in Dairy Cattle Evaluation, Rebecka Hoffman (10th) in Dairy Cattle Evaluation, Lindsey Weeldreyer (12th) in Farm Business Management, Sydney Hoffman (1st) in Food Science and Technology, Joslyn Schrank (1st) in Milk Quality and Products, Kristin Kotas (4th) in Milk Quality and Products and Mercedes Mesman (5th) in Milk Quality and Products. Sydney Hoffman and Joslyn Schrank both received awards for their top placing.
“I am beyond stoked to be moving onto nationals in the fall of 2018. I’ve been on the Milk Quality and Products team since I was a freshman and I can finally say our dream came true. All the long, exhausting hours studying the exams and identifying milks, cheeses, and dairy-non-dairy products paid off. I am beyond thankful for my three teammates and all the effort and dedication that put forth to make this happen. I think I can speak for all three of my teammates that we will look forward to dominating in Indianapolis in October,” junior Joslyn Schrank said.
Bridgewater-Emery FFA will hold its next event May 7 in the multipurpose room as they celebrate the chapter’s accomplishments throughout the year and award new chapter officers at their annual Banquet
Sunday and Monday of the competition were spent competing in the students’ respective CDEs. Bridgewater-Emery FFA had participated in the contest areas of Agricultural Mechanics, Agronomy, Biotechnology, Dairy Cattle Evaluation, Farm Business Management, Floriculture, Food Science and Technology, Livestock Evaluation, Meats Evaluation, Milk Quality and Products, Natural Resources, Nursery/Landscape and Veterinary Science. To prepare for state convention, students attended practice CDEs at Platte, Flandreau, Tri-Valley and Lennox.
At state convention, the final teams were as follows: Derek Weber and Colby Weber on Agricultural Mechanics; Lindsey Berg, Lucas Berg, Bradlee Schultz and Dustin Weber on Agronomy; Taylor Clark, Sarah Schultz and Jasmine Tschetter on Biotechnology; Jessica Jaeger, Rebecka Hoffman and Isabelle Lehrman on Dairy Cattle Evaluation; Kori Heezen, Brandon Jansen, Brooks Jansen and Lindsey Weeldreyer on Farm Business Management; Haley Hofer, Katelyn Kotas, Sarah Schultz and Eunice Vinales on Floriculture; Marah Hofer, Sara Hofer, Sydney Hoffman and Andrea Gorriz on Food Science and Technology; Jayke Glanzer, Morgan Terveen, Jasmine Tschetter and Johanna Tusha on Livestock Evaluation; Brock Hofer, Rylee Schultz and Hunter Uptagrafft on Meats Evaluation; Libby Bailey, Kristin Kotas, Mercedes Mesman and Joslyn Schrank on Milk Quality and Products; Jevin Eddy, Kinzer Glanzer, Vanessa Hofer and Duot VanSickle on Natural Resources; Ashley Horvath, Darby Hurd, McKayla Kirby and Jada Wethor on Nursey/Landscape and Jessica Jaeger, Madison Mentele, Isabelle DioGioVanni and Nick Schallenkamp on Veterinary Science. Some FFA members decided to take on two contests in an effort to make a full team for a particular event.
During the Sunday night session, proficiency awards were announced. Lindsey Berg received first place in the category Agriculture Education Placement, Jessica Jaeger received first place in the category Dairy Cattle Placement and Kristin Kotas received second place in the category Agriculture Sale Entrepreneurship. These awards are based on the individual’s hard work in their Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAEs).
“For the past four years, I have been teaching the third-grade class about agriculture. It is something that I really enjoy doing, and it is something that I have worked hard to build up. Because of that reason, freshman Marah Hofer is planning to continue my SAE in the coming years. To end my SAE for the year, I am taking the kids on a field trip to Agricultural Experience Stock Yards in Sioux Falls,” senior Lindsey Berg said.
In the second session Monday night, state degrees were awarded to seniors that have been in FFA for at least three years and have completed a certain number of hours in their SAE. State degrees recipients from this year were awarded to Lindsey Berg, Lucas Berg, Haley Hofer, Rebecka Hoffman, Jessica Jaeger, Cassie Kerkhove, Bradlee Schultz, Eunice Vinales and Dustin Weber. Scholarships were also awarded during this second session. Sydney Hoffman walked on stage to receive her 500-dollar scholarship toward registration of the Washington Leadership Conference this summer.
Tuesday morning of the state convention, CDE awards were announced. Agricultural Mechanics placed 43rd as a team, Agronomy placed 7th as a team, Biotechnology placed 5th place as a team, Dairy Cattle Evaluation placed 7th as a team, Farm Business Management placed 9th as a team, Floriculture placed 20th as a team, Food Science and Technology placed 6th as a team, Livestock Evaluation placed 44th as a team, Meat Science and Technology placed 21st as a team, Milk Quality and Products placed 1st as a team, Natural Resources placed 27th as a team, Nursey/Landscape placed 13th as a team and Veterinary Science placed 42nd as a team. In result of their first place win, B-E Milk Quality and Products team will advance to the National FFA Convention next October.
Top individuals in each CDE include Lindsey Berg (11th) in Agronomy, Taylor Clark (9th place) in Biotechnology, Jessica Jaeger (18th) in Dairy Cattle Evaluation, Rebecka Hoffman (10th) in Dairy Cattle Evaluation, Lindsey Weeldreyer (12th) in Farm Business Management, Sydney Hoffman (1st) in Food Science and Technology, Joslyn Schrank (1st) in Milk Quality and Products, Kristin Kotas (4th) in Milk Quality and Products and Mercedes Mesman (5th) in Milk Quality and Products. Sydney Hoffman and Joslyn Schrank both received awards for their top placing.
“I am beyond stoked to be moving onto nationals in the fall of 2018. I’ve been on the Milk Quality and Products team since I was a freshman and I can finally say our dream came true. All the long, exhausting hours studying the exams and identifying milks, cheeses, and dairy-non-dairy products paid off. I am beyond thankful for my three teammates and all the effort and dedication that put forth to make this happen. I think I can speak for all three of my teammates that we will look forward to dominating in Indianapolis in October,” junior Joslyn Schrank said.
Bridgewater-Emery FFA will hold its next event May 7 in the multipurpose room as they celebrate the chapter’s accomplishments throughout the year and award new chapter officers at their annual Banquet